Hipo Gang is a Telegram Mining Bot. The project was launched in February 2023. This project can earn you a cryptocurrency coin called $HPO. Currently, the Hipo Gang platform has around 2M+ users. One of this project’s most exciting futures is the Hipo Gang daily quiz. Below is today’s correct quiz answer.
How to Answer Hipo Gang Daily Quiz?
- open the Hipo Gang bot from the Telegram app or click the “open this bot” button above.
- Then click on the task option from the menu bar.
- Go to the bottom of this task page and click “Daily Quiz” task.
- Select the answer to the two quizzes by looking at the correct answer to the quiz above and pressing the “check” button. If you can select the correct answers by looking at the quiz answers, you will get a 250,000 $HPO coin reward.
Note: We will update more details about the Hipo Gang Telegram Bot very soon on this page. Thanks.